game enforces smirks; but we have seen
moon in lonely alleys make
A grail of laughter of an empty ash can....
A grail of laughter of an empty ash can....
Previous lives are a long unblushing of
knives in ice.
Do you embrace the perfect moon and on
the morrow
a moon more perfect than the one before?
What does it mean to say she is
dark-eyed and moist with white?
That her dusks are divided and
multiplied in honey, each a meadow,
each a broken comb?
Fallen walls are secret in their
snares, for her flesh is not endless
nor undressed witlessly and without
It is remembered that she wavered.
Remembered is impassable smile and
flawless lips,
night bare and deep with her hips.
It is remembered that she resisted.
Remembered is another life round and
imperious as her breasts.
Every machine comes with directions
two-faced like fans.
Annals are a machine.
Menology is a machine.
Diary is a machine.
Her face is the space between.
Unnamed is sudden dismantling come very
Is it thereby proved that no woman is a
goddess unless craftily embarrassed?
There are few tears, just
a half-mad joust that pleases broad day
and her exquisite mouth
competing with the moon.
Where in the rhythm of the
night air is the almanac of her black hair
cascading down her back
and at ease with waist?
She is impossible to
She is impossible to
She is impossible to begin
Disliked are fictions that
pose questions.
Flatter and tell them they
Give them a formula or a
mystery to crack.
Give them one raindrop
from frightened eye to the
night flowers.
Body records and remembers
and there is no being born again
save in palsied
There is but one drama and
no sequel.
Her suit to be
disincarnated is summarily dismissed:
her fate is to be as real
and living as the phases
of the moon.
What is now is not what
went before.
Is memory a function of
the difference?
What follows both?
Imagine one category in
intimate coitus with another
and complete complements,
the unequalled and cunning
join of a Japanese beam.
Body and antibody are
strange and venomous flowers
pressed between the fallen
lives of forest floor.
Worm is the interloper who
builds ticket booths to a sideshow.
Be digestible and digested
in the only carnival on earth.
Step right up--Be
prolific. Be pacific. Be specific.
Be quick-footed and
elegant in this thicket of copulating words.
Pyramids are built on one
foundation: that nothing is final.
Is there one more chance
to dance on other mountains?
Wherever your moon is,
caged or free,
wide upon the plain or
webbed by sleeping trees,
yours is only half the
time and space of that remembered
smile on unremembered
[E. A. Costa November 7, 2013 Granada]
[E. A. Costa November 7, 2013 Granada]
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