A Travelling Flake of Snow
Across a Barn or through a Rut
Debates if it will go —
A Narrow Wind complains all Day
How some one treated him;
Nature, like Us is sometimes caught
Without her Diadem.
Emily Dickinson
El cielo es bajo, malvadas son
las nubes...
El cielo es bajo, malvadas son las
Un copo viajante de nieve considera
Un copo viajante de nieve considera
si a través del granero o por una
Como nosotros, no coronada se puede
E. A. Costa
October 30, 2016 Granada, Nicaragua
N. B.: This
poem (1075) of Dickinson is, on the one hand, a close to perfect
illustration of John Ruskin's pathetic fallacy—and that surely
intentionally--and, on the other, a subtle and ironic reversal of it,
then itself reversed. In his Modern Painters, a book Dickinson much
admired, Ruskin defined the so-called fallacy (here meaning
falseness) thus: “All violent feelings...produce impressions of
external things, which I would generally characterize as 'The Pathetic
Fallacy'.” Here Dickinson plays with the idea, with among other
things masterly ambiguity, where a “low” sky and “mean”
clouds can be perfectly and scientifically descriptive, while even
the howl of the wind may sound querulous. Anyone who has lived in New
England for any time will recognize just such mean and low days,
especially in late Fall or early Spring, in which even the wind seems
to have something to complain about. Importantly, Ruskin did not
discountenance the use of the pathetic fallacy, as long as it was not
false, that is, did not falsely attribute to nature attributes that
were genuinely the subjective effect of pathos in the observer.
Dickinson here expands the figure not to something violently
pathetic, but to the observation that both human beings and nature
have undiademed days, ordinary and mean, when they are not at their
best. The clincher here is the snowflake, potentially a more than
ordinary or mean image, especially being singular, which cannot make
up its mind which way to go off, thus mirroring the Ruskin's “web
of hesitant sentiment, pathetic fallacy, and wandering fancy”,
alloyed with “all manner of purposeful play and conceit” (also in
Modern Painters)--which is almost an exact description of Dickinson,
at work and play and feeling in and on this poem. To say that the
poem is ironic and playful, which clearly it is, is not to discount seriousness and sadness--here with Dickinson herself, in one role at least, as the
snowflake, and also solitary and unwed, thus balancing against one another the two necessary
levels of all irony, surface and underlying meaning.
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